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A Mouse Lived In a Caravan

Today our main job was to get the lovely Lola Caravan cleaned and packed up ready for setting off the Glastonbury music festival next week and then onto various other events...

(Literally we are about to set off on our annual road trip of adventures and fun for 6 weeks and our caravan really is our home . She's so loved and is super adorable! )

So Lola had been placed in storage over winter so the drive was empty while we had the build done. So when Mr O brought it back home the other day we were so pleased to see her and totally excited to get in and make her comfortable.

So armed with a bin bag and cleaning bottles I opened the door to my second and beloved home.

Not good!

Looks like we had a mouse enjoying the caravan life! With droppings EVERYWHERE and every packed of dried food raded from the inside out , I had a bit of a job on my hands. I also had a bit of a cry! It was a mess! And by the way!! How did it get into closed drawers and cupboard.. (Little shit)

I've had to throw away all the bedding and pillows and take off all the cusion covers off the (awfully patterned) seats... We disinfected the seats and literally swilled out the entire van!

But through it all I was forced to empty all the cupboards and it felt great to go through our 'caravan life' I had great fun reading through last years programs and finding all our festival clothes and treasures .. Kitty enjoyed rediscovering all her caravan toys and Grace rediscovered her caravan DVDs.. It was nice to sure and look at our last three years of festival d'art.


​After 6 hours the caravan smells less of mouse and more of bleach ( sod the environment... Sometimes only bleach will do) and I managed to whip up some new seat covers and they look lovely... Although they totally don't match the existing curtains.. I'm trying really hard to ignore that and not embark on making new ones.. Especially as I'm running out of time rapidly before we go. But I will say this.. The struggle not to coordinate is very real!!!!

(I bought the yellow fabric from bhs in the shape of two single quilt covers.. Let's hope I can find some more before the company closes for good bhs interior textile prints will be missed at Angel gardens HQ )

So today I have to go to a certain European shop to buy new pillows, quilts and overs for everyone.. Not the best timing financially but frankly I kind of like the idea of having all new. However time is not our friend... With the joiner coming to do the internal door and mr O needing to take bags and bags of half eaten and smelly bedding to the tip I'm not hopeful I'll do any other jobs on my list,

Let's hope this week is kind to me and I get good weather and time to pack, clean and sort everything out!

Ps - I found the mouse, well fed, content and dead in a pile of goose festhers.

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